Wednesday, August 8, 2018

August XP-82 Twin Mustang Update

After ten long years, we are ready to fly ... almost. We received our Airworthiness Certificate on Sunday, one day before Oshkosh. This did not give us enough time to fly off the restriction hours (15), and then get a check ride. Tom went to Oshkosh to give a talk on the XP-82 restoration. While there there was a F7F Tigercat that had an apparent wheel failure; the same type of wheel our 82 has. Even though our two wheels passed inspection, Tom insists putting on two new wheels. Then we will have our first flight. (Photo credit: Michael O'Leary Air Classics)

(Photo credit:  Weezie Barendse)

(Photo credit:  Connor Madison EAA)

Tom's wish to own and fly one is about to come true.
(Photo credit: Connor Madison EAA)

(Photo credit: Connor Madison EAA)

The XP-82 Team