XP-82 “Twin Mustang” #44-83887
Project Completion Schedule as of 29 February 2012
The following major components correspond to the drawings above
1. Left Engine, RH Turner - 100% complete
2. Right Hand Engine, LH Turner - 100% complete
3. Propellers, LH & RH Rotation & Spinners - 100% complete
4. Left-hand Fuselage - 95%
5. Right-hand Fuselage - 95% complete
6. Center Section Attach Angles, 10 - 100% complete
Wing Attach Angles, 8 - 100% complete
Wing Attach Angles, 8 - 100% complete
7. Wings - 5%
8. Forward Sub-Spar, Main Gear Box Supports, 2 - 100% complete
9. RH Aileron Outboard - 75%
10. RH, LH Ailerons Inboard - 75%
11. LH Aileron Outboard - 75%
12. Center Section Spar Caps, 4 forward, 2 aft - 100% complete
13. Center Section - 50%
14.. Windshields, 2 - 50%
15. Canopies, 2 - 75%
16. Center Section Flap - 100% complete
17. Outboard Flaps - 10%
18. Horizontal Stabilizer - 95%
19. Elevator - 95%
20. Elevator Trim Tab - 75%
21. LH Aileron Trim Tab - 75%
22. Rudder Trim Tabs - 100% complete
23. Rudders, 2 - 90%
24. Vertical Stabilizers, 2 - 95%
25. Dorsal Fins, 2 - 25%
26. Aft Fuselage Extensions, 2 - 85%
(To be completed when fuselages are mounted to the center section for alignment)
27. RH Fuselage Longerons, 8 per fuselage - 100% complete
28. Belly Scoops, 6 - 75%
29. Firewalls, 2 - 100% complete
30. Induction Trunks, Air Intakes, 1 pair per fuselage - 75%
31. Engine Mounts, 2 - 100%
32. Top Fuselage Skins, compound, 3 per fuselage - 100% complete
33. Bottom Fuselage Skins, compound, 2 per fuselage - 100%
Additional Components that do not relate to the drawings.
34. Hydraulics - 75%
35. Cockpit (both) Controls - 50%
36. Instrument (both) Panels - 100%
37. Electrical Shelves - 75%
38. Coolant Exit Doors - 50%
39. Elevator and Rudder Bellcranks with New Bearings, 4 - 100%
40. Elevator, Aileron and Rudder Hinge Points - 50%
41. Engine Mount Attach Forgings on Firewall, 4 - 100%
42. Engine Mount Dynafocal Forgings, mounts to Engines, 8 - 100%
43. Longeron Attach Fittings, Bunches of them - 100%
44. All Trim Tab Forgings, approximately 12 - 75%
45. Flap Arms, 2 Forgings with New Bearings - 100%
46. Exhaust Stacks, 24 - 100%
47. Main Landing Gear Mount Forgings, 2 - 100%
48. Trim Tab Actuators, 4 - 100%
49. Main Landing Gear, 2 - 100%
50. Seats, 2 - 75%
51. Oil Tanks, 2 - 100%
52. Coolant Tanks, 2 - 100%
53. All Fuselage, Elevator and Rudder - Cable Guide Castings, 20 -100%
Many of the listed above items are at 50-75% completion due to the fact that the sub-component(s) they are attached to are not completed as of yet, i.e., the wing must be completed with the aileron attach points in order for the aileron to be fitted and completed, and then the trim tab to be fitted and completed. Sorta like an erector set for all of us old enough to remember what one of those was.